There will always be good and evil. There will always be the poor and the rich. There will always be the fortunate and the unfortunate. There will always be the lucky and unlucky. There will always be the wise and the foolish. There will always be those who are good to learn and those who can't learn squat. There will always be those who are yelled at for their own personality and those who yell at others. The list goes on and on.. One side will not exist with the other and they both seem to support each other. If there wasn't bad can we describe something as being good? The world is composed of things that are forced to be themselves. There will always be bullies. No matter what, they will always be douches but it is not their fault. We need those kinds of people to roam our world as we need the people who are the victims of bullies. Its the natural order of things...sometimes its best not to fight fate, but there will always be those who do...and that's OK...